As a Hip Hop preservation archive, we intend to produce the most informative Hip Hop exhibitions the world has ever seen. We intend to present and interpret the material and non-material existence of Hip Hop’s culture and history for the ongoing education of those that practice Hip Hop seriously. However, it must be emphasized that Hip Hop, in and of itself, never enters the physical world. Hip Hop is actually a shared idea. It (Hip Hop) is not an object, it (Hip Hop) is a subject, and the preservation and passing-on of subjects require a different teaching methodology than the preservation and passing-on of objects. As a Hip Hop preservation archive, The Temple of Hip Hop also intends to preserve and pass-on the original Hip Hop “idea”; its causes, its traditions, its heritage and its culture. This, however, is not achieved through simply the collection and interpretation of objects and event memories; the proper preservation of culture requires the passing-on of certain traits, behaviors, ways of doing things and the preservation of communal dialect among our other collective expressions. This requires action and being, not just collecting and interpreting. Therefore, for us, the preservation and further development of Hip Hop rests within the preservation and further development of the Hiphoppa. As we have always said; “we are not just doing Hip Hop; we are Hip Hop!”